Tuesday, November 11, 2008

TLDR pt2

Let's just say if even half of the cohort knew about this blog, or even the forum thread. If it's even bother, don't we all even should receive an email about it? Oh, actually, maybe not. (: Because all of us should only receive an email telling us to get down to the hall, and listen.

And if email like that can be sent to us to TELL us, I haven't find it a point why having Alex to send us ONE email to inform us about blog/thread. Or maybe you think concept don't need all of us, but all the support do. Then fine, maybe that's Fusion09 for you. Great. We'll see.

And if you think democracy is a lie, you know what? Fine. Tell Alex, "We don't need the approval/support from the rest of SIDM AT ALL, we'll just do, whether or not they like.."

However nice your FAQ sounds like, you actual response to outer comments ain't the same. So I suggest to change it, maybe to say, "It's Final, so whether or not you like it, it's your ****ing problem."

Concepts always should be considered first, before you talk about any workload already done. Riggings, modellings etc are done, good. You're great. But that DOES NOT mean you get to push away concepts that are not as well developed but with potential. And even with comments, all you did was come out with excuses, to shoot back. Where does, "All your opinions are welcomed." How true can that be. (: Or it that your way of Welcoming people.. Then great. Let's hope it'll turn out to be a GREAT Fusion09 then. Whether or not you get the meaning of Fusion at all, or not.

Concepts should be considered first, before you talk about any workload done. I have done a hell load of concepts very early on. Again, I received no input. Nothing till the last minute. Then you people start complaining. Couldn't you have told me this earlier? I always put up some sketches before I start modelling. I can see no reason why you cannot comment before that. You already know about this place, so why so quiet? I already said in multiple posts, I will not wait till the last minute to do changes. Id prefer if I got them early on.

So maybe you couldn't change the first story, too bad. Now theres a newer one. We are back to square one in concept and production. Very early, from the beginning again. Go nuts with ideas. I demand it. But hurry, because soon I'll start modelling and it'll be too late again. Its already the 11th of November, how much longer do you think I'll drag? We cannot just be stuck in pre-prod forever. Eventually production has to begin, and I plan to have it done as soon as possible.

Also, I am not the one sending out emails and such. You have to ask Mr Alex about that. I'm just in charge of the animation. And by right, you should still check the school forum once in a while, by yourself, especially during this period in time when Fusion is up and about, like last year. You should have expected a thread in the forum to show up. It did, but still no one really posted.

And for the record, I did not pick this superhero theme. There was no vote or whatever. There was a list of ideas and superheroes was the one most developed at that time. So we presented the list to the heads and they said to go with superheroes. I see no 'democracy' there. I see clear simple instructions. Quick and effective, 'go work on superheroes'. So here I am now, doing my thing, as I ought to be doing.

So please, give comments and suggestions (currently at nada). But it is still up to us to see how we implement your ideas. Because we are working on it. And its not fair to us that you people only complain once everything is complete, making us start from the very beginning just because you guys were slow.


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