Tuesday, November 11, 2008


::from the chatbox::

Let's just say even IF this idea is going to get through, you have at least 1/2 the cohort not being happy about it.Talking about making the majority happy huh...Or just getting the committee happy, and not having to go through the fuss of developing concept again..

Been wanting to mention this since long ago but didn't really want to, but after today's fusion meeting, perhaps I should have point out something now "The first step you guys took were already wrong. Since this include everyone, why hasn't anyone been involved in the beginning but the""You want to join then join?" kind of situation?"

And now I am actually referring to the email informing us about the concepts, voting online or even forums. Right now it's just, coming ideas within the committee choosing the best one among yourselves then present to us hoping we will accept it. "I would perhaps still accept if the whole concept was actually really including everyone. Not to even mention what kind of "presentation" we got last"fusion meet up the other time. Sincerity wasn't there to convince that the 80bucks was really worth it. Though I still appreciate.... the funds that were raised to run this Fusion 2009.

1st, by any means, if you were to consider everyone of us doing Fusion, yet not letting us having the mere right of voting.."None of us receive anything regarding any concepts, or unless otherwise by words of mouth"Or some meeting that pops up somewhere, where no one bothers to think about IAP/FY students.

"Not saying we do not appreciate the committee's job of planning this out, I will say, you guys had made a great effort doing this.""But if leaving say 30% unhappy, 30% who don't bother and maybe 30% who're fine with this concept, is this what you guys want out of this whole Fusion?

"This briefing was not even a "please-support-our-concept" session, but a "this-is-the-fusion-09-concept" session so why were we even ask to SUPPORT?Even when it's not approved by Daniel, we already saw the fact that the committee and even Alex saying this is the concept So what exactly do you even need us down for this briefing for? Collection of money? And truth to speak, even that wasn't convincing enough. The speakers merely just ordered us around, when we were actually "invited" down, so we could "hopefully" support your concepts..

Then please be thankful enough that we're not cilents because most of us felt like walking straight out the door halfway through the briefing.While there's supposed to be another concept that should be presented to us, we were not even able to hear it at all.

How democratic do you think this Fusion is going to be? Superhero is a Theme, not a Style. Even if we might have like the Theme, but the Style explored is only american comics.And so it's all just 1 sided again. We're a 5 tracks SIDM, not just 1..Just how much polls and votings were went through before deciding everything and heck the rest of the SIDM.

::end transmission::

This blog was started on the 19th of September. Very early, yes? All the way, from the very beginning. The first week of IAP I believe. Means that the Fusion team was formed before IAP even began.

I am currently doing my IAP and yet I'm in the fusion team, doing my job. The question is how come I can get in while others cannot? I see no real difference between you and I, (unless you wish to admit that I am far superior than you and can see the future XD)

I was contacted by Trudy before IAP began, like 1-2 weeks beforehand, and was asked to join. Of course I grabbed that opportunity. Then I told my friends. So they knew, and I knew, and I expected the rest of the fusion members recruited at that time to spread the news in a similar fashion. So we all eventually knew about this early, I got together my team, and then we were constantly up to date. Ive got people from all over, knowing whats going on, and are constantly updated with current situations.

How come you don't know? I don't believe you expect me to seriously spoon feed information straight into your mouths. I cannot force people to go type into their computers. I also don't believe that no one in the whole school talks to one another. News like this ought to spread, but somehow it didn't.

Yet I don't see it as my fault. I constantly update this place, updating it for all to see. I believe its not my fault you didn't see nor comment on earlier posts, give suggestions or anything much on that matter. But no such luck.

Anyway, timeskip to November 5th, after my First story got taken off. I would have thought that since we were starting afresh, people would be more open to give suggestions and such, but still nothing. By that time there was a thread in the school forums, allowing you all more freedom in communicating your ideas across. Numerous times we have said to contribute if you have anything you wish to share.

Still nothing. I thought everything was going okay. But then it seems you people only like to give comments after everything has been settled. Of course, by then it would have been too late to do anything.

I'm still not in the wrong here. I received no input, I figured I was going the right way, I work fairly quickly, its not my fault you missed the work train.

AS for voting, whats the point. The truth is, its not really us that makes the decisions. Its the directors. Even if, for example, the masks theme went through, 100% of the school supports it, IF the directors disapprove, then its over. Pull another one. And the heads were already okay with the current theme, we had concepts, we had models, we had boards, we were prepared. The rest had the bare minimum, just a single page of sketches and such. That is not enough.

Even WITH a vote, I still see no point if the other ideas are barely there yet. It'll just set production waaayy back. And that's not fair to us, production team guys, eh? (Counter this and you're a hypocrite XD).

I work fairly quickly. I quote myself (october 31):

"I don't want to wait for people, time is slipping through our fingers and I would prefer if people showed up with considerable material, enough to make up for 2+ months of hard work"

I gave you all a chance, but you didnt put enough effort into it. Not enough to tip the scales. The forum before that post was up, only Shawn managed to come up and present something. I applaud his efforts, but still, 2 pages against my models, rigs, and concepts? Throw away all my work because of 2 pages? I'd expect people to come up with more than that, if they really wanted to change something.

Anyway, I don't care about votes, I'm not one for the 'equality of civilisation' thing. I dont want to vote. I want a strong idea that manages to wrestle our original one into the ground and beat it to a pulp, leaving it there gasping in the dust.

Democracy is a lie, woven by the weak. A person with enough determination can do anything he desires. A person with enough strength to break that first person, could of course do it if he was determined enough to work hard and come up with weapons and such. Hard work, effort, determination, thats the key words. Not being passive and waiting for us to tell you to talk.

We have already given you plenty of options of communication, yet they were barely used, and even so, at the wrong time.

"I can show you the door, but it is you who must step through it"

Ooo abit of The Matrix in there, probably misquoted, but you get the point.


What? What? Only American comics? Don't make me call you 'Visually Impaired' because I know you aren't. I know that you are a capable young man, able to voice out your own opinions and thoughts, because you tagged the chatbox, and for that I congratulate you.

I direct you to the original story we had up.

As you can see, the first story was heavily influenced by Japanese anime. It was so animeish that people complained.

Someone said this in the chatbox:

"IMO. Tis looks more "animeish" then "superheroish". No offence but...wen u use e term SuperHeroes, u giv ppl e impresion of comic bk chars like batman" "Ppl do not refer to protagonists of anime as Super Heroes but just heroes.""Ppl get more confused when you bring in the term league of heroes as ppl relate it to the all famous Justic League"

Well guess what? I took my original story out. Yea. I did that. So the NEW current storyline follows closely with the 'Justice League' opening sequence. Tell me that's not catering to your needs. If thats not 'bending over to kiss ass', then tell me what is.

Its like you people don't even listen to each other. Of course, everyone has their own opinion, and not everyone will be happy in the end, and it is impossible to make 100% of the population happy. That is why there are parallel dimensions.

I also now think that that guy will be looking for you, so bring along some ninja friends.

Also, another crazy little thing. Someone told me that the animation clip was 'too animation'. Thats makes perfectly no sense at all. If you ask an animation guy, to come up with animation concepts, and animation boards, and animation characters, of course its going to be very 'animation'. If not then your website is too 'IM' and your game is too 'Games'.

But thats just old news.

Peace and Love,
Uzumaki Wolverine


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