Sunday, November 2, 2008


Q: Why do I have to even care about fusion?

A: Well, it’s your big day and the last time in NYP you can do stuff together with your friends. Not only that, you should try to enjoy the process and really shine during the day itself!

Fusion will also affect not only you as an individual; it will help your friends, especially the boys who have not gone through NS yet. If our Fusion is successful, after they finish NS and want to comeback to the industry it will be easier for them since our fusion will be greatly remembered by the employers and they will goes, “Ah yes! I remember your fusion. I was so impressed by it, everybody’s stuff were just so cool. One of the best I’ve ever been!” Thus even if they do not remembers you specifically, at least our fusion would have struck a chord inside them and hopefully stir enough curiosity inside them for them to be interested to see the portfolio.

Even if you are not going to continue in this line anymore, it will also be a good memory. Ten years down the lane, you could look back and have something to be proud of, or you could brag it to your kids when you are much older.

Q: I have a suggestion but I do not want to be in the team/in charge of it!

A: Suggestions are strongly encouraged, we want more and fast! In fact, we hunger to hear what you suggest regarding Fusion, since its all about all of you!

About pushing your suggestion and making them to reality, that’s what we are here for.

The committee will take your suggestion into consideration and try to develop/implement it as much as possible. Of course you most probably cannot wash your hands off it 100% but its just a minor stuff we will ask from you, most probably its just an art direction (In case of theme/sketches) or a confirmation of stuffs.

Q: I like that theme, but I do not like the way it is being explored/ presented (or) on how the character’s design.

A: Aha! Then it is time for you to show us what you have in mind. Just come to us, prepared with sketches or researches or simply post it up. A concept can be explored in millions of way and we are just waiting for you to pop one up to us!

Q: I am not needed anymore since there are other people doing the FUSION.

A: You are greatly mistaken! We are heavily in need of man power, especially in the part of production (Packaging/animation/etc). Please do try to volunteer; we do want to make Fusion as everybody’s thing,

Do not worry about heavy workload; we will distribute it to small pieces as much as possible that you can concentrate on your studies/FYP/IAP. It will also help to boost your portfolio if your stuff are actually used for FUSION, since it will sort of an advertisement for your portfolio. In any case, we are desperately looking for volunteers, 24/7!

Q: Why is it so important to make the majority happy with the theme? We got no time!

A: Fusion is to be everybody’ day. Another thing is that, if everybody is happy with the theme, time would not matter since people will double the effort they put into the preparation for the day. Hopefully then, volunteers will be abundant too. Also, if everybody’s all smiles during FUSION, would not that be better rather than you seeing brawl/argument in every step you take inside the auditorium. It is impossible to make all parties happy, but majority rules.

Q: I have something to say, but I am too shy/ scared.

A: Fear not, you can always say it to the VOICE of your department. Alternatively, you can always post anonymously in the blog/forum or even to just drop me an email. Have courage my friend, when there’s a will, there’s a way!


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