Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Story for the Fusion Animation

The story, in Layman terms.

So one day, NIL suddenly appears and wipes out 80% of the entire human race. The humans decided to build an experimental weapon called MAX, and got him to fight with Nil. He loses horribly and is disheartened. The humans are sad too, so everyone gives up hope and stuff. Then they throw Max into the scrap heap where he lies there for a very long time till he gets discovered by MUSA and MAYA, 2 wanderers whos struggle for survival inspires him, and he gets invited to their party.

Then they had many adventures and stuff, fighting robots and things (maybe this can be like some mini series, or a comic or something, like a prequel bit) till they make their way high above the clouds, where Nil resides, protected by a million robot drones.

[The animation clip starts here]
So they fight and stuff, maya summons her robots (she can do that normally) to destroy the drones while Musa and Max(maybe in a lesser robot form, Normal Gazer? Still quite big though not as large as Nil) try to get to Nil himself. But unfortunately, Nil has this special forcefield, that only opens when he fires his main cannon, and only at a small spot, where the lazer shoots out. As Nil is about to fire his cannon at Max, Musa takes this opportunity and jumps into the hole, right into the path of the lazer, but not before managing to stab his sword into one of the focusing panels around the cannon, causing a huge explosion, revealing the heart of Nil(called The Core). Nil is like "hehehe, foolish human"

Then Max gets very emotional, he combines with Maya in this giant ball of light, and transforms into this giant robot, as big as Nil (FINAL GAZER), and and together they defeat Nil.

Then theres maybe like an epilogue, where they are high above the clouds (cus they can fly, see) and they remember some inspirational stuff about never gonna give up and never letting people down and some other wise stuff Musa used to say.
[end clip]

::in other news, my router burned out at home, so I only have net access at work. So updated during working hours now::


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