Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Things to come

Click and read, kinda like a storyboard. Important notes for the story.


Blogger YaNbInG said...

Have you guys think about how to sort the information? Like how the employers going to search for and browse about us? By skillsets? by our major track? by looks or name?

Don't over focus on the character designs, remember to organise the sorting of the information and flowchart nicely before doing all those.

PS: Many of us think that, from what we saw are just character design. The whole site will be messed up if the information isn't sort properly, even if the design and graphics are so so so nice.

2nd ps: Please don't look at the fusion 08, it sux. From those mistake from it... fusion 06 is much better... =)


October 23, 2008 at 2:34 PM  
Blogger BBS said...

Are you talking about the fusion website? Because this isnt it,this is like the dev blog for the fusion animation. I dont really know whats going on in the IM section, cus im not in charge of them.

Also, is there a link somewhere to see all the previous fusion animations? Links pls? ;3

October 23, 2008 at 7:27 PM  

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