Monday, October 20, 2008

Even more superhero refs

Do we need any mnore? I dont really care, its fun!

Seikima 2! Ratsbane!



Perfect ass! 110%

2924 faces altogether, excluding fingers.

I think I went a little overboard with the fingers O.o All 5 fingers together is 2115 faces, Everything together (2 sets of 5 fingers + whole body) is 7154


Blogger nani said...

I don't see anything developed to promote "US" in the fusion.

This seems more like a fun project for some people to play with so far.

When is it going to increase our value instead?

The real purpose is to help employers identify "US" as truely valuable

rather than hosting a fun-fair theme park is it not?

October 22, 2008 at 4:18 PM  
Blogger BBS said...

I see it as a promotion of not 'US' physically, more of what we can do, gotta show them we can do quality work. Companies dont just come here to look at the people, they're looking for skills, high quality skills that they can use.

This fusion animation will showcase our talents in animation and visual effects, at the same time providing an exciting show to the audience, unlike other years, where there's nary an explosion nor any sort of destruction abound.


October 22, 2008 at 8:31 PM  
Blogger YaNbInG said...

I only see the promotion of what animation can do.. all about animation?

They are really good 3D modelling But how you going to put them in? How you going to promote US by putting them in?

By showing them this good quality of work give them good impression but how are they going to navigate? What are the links and sortings? Using what or which character to represent this certain link? Do the employers like to view us by skillsets or our specialisation?

Let's say Fusion 08 is good in their gaphic or 3D too, but it's still sux to me.. why?
The viewing of profile and photo, the navigation sorting, the fishes swimming around.. etc..

Sort these all out before getting your character designs and modelling done, if not later what u have done cannot be used in it, how?

I guess for now we were hoping to see more on how are we being promoted and organised in the site rather than the 3D modellings yet.

October 23, 2008 at 4:12 PM  
Blogger BBS said...

Actually its currently full of animation stuff cus I'm in charge of the animation and that I'm the only one working on it at the moment. The IM and games people are all MIA, for some reason. This place is sposed to be full of the stuff from other tracks as well, but they're not doing anything ._.

October 23, 2008 at 7:30 PM  

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