Sunday, October 12, 2008

Update on Story

uhm..for those who didnt see this on the forums...

The Story So Far

Nobody knows.

Nobody knows when did it appear. Or rather, of those who knew, their bones now lie in the dust and rubble of the past. Its body is a massive sea of inky darkness. Even the rays of the sun get lost in the seemingly infinite weave of black. Its head rides high, high, high above the tallest needles of skyscrapers , above the dusty clouds, above the icy peaks of lofty mountain ranges; into the thin, cold air of the troposphere.

Almost 20,000 metres above the ground.

It soon earned a terrible name, NIL. A name that explained nothing, a name that meant nothing, just like its owner.


Maya was found admist ruins of a forgotten city, fighting off rogue drones. The place was once a bold statement of Humanity's advancements in technology. Now it is nothing more than twisted metal and crumbling concrete, after NIL walked the the surface of the planet. She tries hard to fend off the attacks coming in from all sides. Then, suddenly, a loud BRAKKKKKKK, and a flash of steel. Several drones flopped to the ground; electricity arcs in the air.

"It's not safe, to be alone out here." The man called Musa muttered.


Max, an experimental robot prototype. The surviving Humans build him, as a final resort against NIL. But the very hope they had, failed in a offensive against NIL. From then on, there was little resistance to stop the black Void. Humanity staggered into hopelessness and despair. Max was forgotten, tossed out like yesterday's leftovers. It was a long, long time, before someone stumbled upon him----Maya.

" I'll believe in you....." she said, smiling warmly.


A tale of hope and perserverence, against what seems to be an impossible enemy. Musa is the embodiment of Passion and Hope, NIL stands for Despair and Discouragement.

Maya and Max, they believed in each other, and in themselves; from this they gained a strength they could not achieve alone....


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